When I turned 29, I realised this thing, asinine.
We are all gonna die, whether we Gloom or Shine.
And death is certain,
One day somebody will pull down the curtain.
But I am alright with my own death, that’s not a problem,
My problem is the pain, which comes from the end of loved ones.
The day I was born, some pains were decided for me,
That all elders will most probably die before me.
And I developed an attachment to these liveable things,
Because as they say, God gave me emotions to cut my wings.
Or as I have been told, it is a beautiful thing,
But when I see the sum, why don’t I see such thing?
What a pity man has to bear these pains,
Some things have predefined destinations and you can’t even complain.
The Pain, I have no control over,
The Pain which is going to define me over and over.
You become the king, or the slave,
In the end, it’s all the same.
The same fate we are all going to share,
For the one above who decided, he does not care.
So why should I pray to God?
For has he given me this life ? or has he decided my abode?
Or should I praise him, that one day I will get out of this misery?
The very one which he created for his fun and will end at my funerary.
It even does not matter, even if he does not exist,
it’s always like the same, there is no real twist.
Because in the end it comes down to this game,
Glory or Shame, Fate is Always the same.
Glory or Shame, Fate is always going to be the same.
~ Jitesh Dhamaniya